Most employees will receive a lot more salary credited to their bank account this month. Depending on the sector and the amount of the salary, an employee will receive between 11 and 53 euros more. Those who earn less than 2000 euros can receive up to 70 euros less salary. This is evident from calculations by salary processor ADP.
It was already known that most working Dutch people would benefit . It has to do with an additional tax bracket. Until this year, there were two tax brackets. Now there are three. In the first bracket, you pay less tax. Up to an annual income of 38,441 euros, you pay 35.82 percent tax, compared to 36.97 percent in 2024. On incomes between 38,441 and 76,817 euros, 37.48 percent tax is charged, and above that you pay 49.50 percent tax.
For most people, the extra bracket provides an advantage. How much that is, depends on the height of your salary and the sector in which you work. The latter in turn has to do with changes in pension premiums. ADP has calculated what the changes are per sector.
Major differences per sector
The differences are large. For example, an employee with an average income (3588 euros) in metal and technology will receive an extra 11 euros from this month, while someone in construction will have 53 euros more. Until this year, employees in metal and technology received a discount of 50 euros per month on their pension premium. The employer paid for this part of the premium. This year, that discount will expire and employees will once again pay the full employee part of the pension premium themselves. An employee in construction will actually pay less pension premium this year.
Those who work in healthcare with an average income will receive 39 euros more credited to their bank account. For the transport sector, an increase of 40 euros applies and those who work for the government can expect 41 euros more. In the general sector, you will keep 53 euros more.
Part-timers and young people are making a contribution
Not all employees can jump for joy. People with a gross salary between 1000 and 2000 euros per month will actually receive less net salary. These are mainly part-timers and young people aged 19 and 20 who work full-time. In the metal and technology sector, people with a gross salary of 2000 euros per month will even receive 72 euros less per month than last year. In the general sector, this is 32 euros, in the government the net salary will decrease by 27 euros, in the transport sector by 25 euros and in healthcare by 24 euros.
In one sector this group is actually making progress and that is construction. They can expect an extra 28 euros in their bank account this month, because they are paying less pension premium.