Sports and vitamin D against corona, but nobody talks about the importance of sleep

Sleep experts UMCVitamine D supplements , walk, eat healthier. With the coronavirus around us, we do everything to increase our resistance, but we forget something very important: sleep. At least, that’s what the sleep experts at UMC Utrecht say.

Indra Jager 05-12-20, 16:00 Last update: 16:54

Olaf Verschuren and Jeroen Dudink are sleep researchers in the Utrecht hospital. In recent years they have conducted research into what is perhaps the most popular, but also the most underestimated activity of the day: sleeping, sleeping, dozing, napping, dozing. In other words: sleep.

Weapon against coronavirus

These researchers are now making an appeal, because they see that people are doing everything to better arm themselves against the corona virus, but say that we often forget something very important: sleep well. Dudink : “Our immune system is super complex. Your environment plays a role, genetics, but also your lifestyle. And what is now increasingly emerging from research and what your mother already knew: if you are sick, you have to go to bed to get a good night’s sleep. Scientists in the world are increasingly seeing how sleep affects your immune system, even before you are ill. We believe that doctors and politicians should convey that message more. ”

“We often hear that exercise is good for you”, continues Verschuren. “Gyms had to open, because exercise is good for the immune system. But every time I hear that, I think, don’t forget sleep! It’s not a sexy embraced topic, people say, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” When I’m at a party and say I’m going to exercise for another hour, everyone thinks I’m healthy. When I say I’m going to sleep, they think I’m a weak guy. We have to get rid of that. All animals, including prey in Africa, sleep. ”

According to Verschuren, studies show that a third of people do not get the optimal amount of sleep, even when they are ill.”That is unbelievably a shame, because you are not using the power of your own body.”


Nobody wants the coronavirus, but fortunately a vaccine is in the works. If you want this to work as well as possible, then according to the experts it is very important to get enough sleep in advance. Verschuren: ,, If your immune system is not functioning properly, it will not work with the weakened or dead virus or bacteria. The vaccine is therefore eleven times less effective in people who sleep less than six hours the night before than in people who have been under wool for eight hours or more before the vaccination. ” The scientists do make a side note: they are not sure whether this also applies to the corona virus, because it is such a new virus.


During sleep, the body recovers, the men explain. It then produces growth hormones, the brain is rinsed clean, waste products are removed, antibodies are boosted and emotions are processed. Verschuren: “Life is a bit more difficult without a good night’s sleep. Then you snack earlier , move less and you can concentrate less. ”

Rebound sleep

But how much do we have to sleep? According to Verschuren, this is between seven and nine hours for adults. And how do you actually do that, sleep well? Dudink : ,, People (young and old) often say that they have a lot of trouble sleeping and then you see that they have poor sleep hygiene, as we call it. Phone next to the bed, a warm room, tea with chocolate at 10pm, TV on, alcohol in the late evening. All this ensures that you do not sleep optimally. ”

In conclusion, Verschuren says: “Don’t think; sleeping is a waste of my time. Sleeping is wonderful and just as important as a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Time to wake up for the importance of sleep. ”

Anyone who thinks: easier said than done, according to the researchers, these are the best tips for getting to sleep well:

– Find a routine; get up at about the same time every day and go to bed at the same time
– Exercise during the day, which helps build sleep pressure. Every move counts, not just the gym. But, don’t exercise (too) hard shortly before bedtime. That keeps you awake
– Make sure that there is daylight on your face in the morning, then your body knows that it is morning
– Eat and drink at regular times, but no caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea, dark chocolate, icetea ) more six hours before going to bed
– Break down the day: ‘slow up’ before going to bed. Light softer, no more busy things, a dark room, curtains closed, no brushing your teeth in a brightly lit bathroom
– Turn off the heating in the bedroom. Between 16 and 18 degrees is optimal


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