Is the sweet potato healthier than a normal potato?

The Netherlands is crazy about sweet potatoes. We bake fries from it en masse, roast them in the oven or stomp it through our stew. But how much healthier is the exotic sweet potato compared to the traditional Dutch squeaker?

Raquel Palla Lorden 10/02/20, 11:00 Last update: 12:33  

Contrary to what the name suggests, the sweet potato, also called sweet potato, is not a relative of the potato.Nutritionist Manon Wouters understands the confusion. “The sweet potato is of course quite similar in structure to a potato. But the sweet potato is a root vegetable and part of the bindweed family. The normal potato belongs to the nightshade family . ”

More carbohydrates and sugar

The sweet potato is originally from South America but is now grown all over the world due to its popularity. The sweet potato is praised for its healthy character compared to the potato. But is this also healthier than the ‘normal’ potato? If we compare all properties, then you cannot – unfortunately – answer wholeheartedly with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. There are certain substances in the sweet potato more than in the normal potato, but that also applies the other way around.


Both products do not differ much in nutritional value. “The sweet potato contains slightly more carbohydrates and sugar,” says Wouters. In comparison: a normal potato contains almost no sugar. “The sweet potato is 4.2 grams per 100 grams,” says Wouters. “That is quite a difference, but not very surprising. Sweet potato actually tastes sweeter and that is due to the extra sugars that the tuber contains. ”

Dietary fiber

The root vegetable, the sweet potato, contains more healthy dietary fiber, Wouters explains. “Dietary fiber ensures that your blood sugar level rises less quickly. Due to the high amount of dietary fiber, the sweet potato has a low glycemic index (GI). That is also the direct health benefit. ” The glycemic index indicates how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood. Food with a low GI is absorbed less quickly and produces fewer high blood sugar peaks and less fluctuating blood sugars.

Looking at the glycemic index, the traditional Dutch potato scores high: 78 on 50 grams of carbohydrates. Thesweet potato is stuck at 35, almost half. “The low glycemic index of the sweet potato ultimately ensures a longer satiety feeling.” According to Wouters, a stable blood sugar level is ultimately better for your health.


What about the difference in vitamins? “Sweet potato contains a lot of beta-carotene, ” says Wouters. “This is mainly found in orange-colored products such as carrots, paprika and therefore also the sweet potato with orange flesh. Beta carotene is converted in the body into vitamin A. Sweet potato also contains more calcium and vitamin C. ” Although the regular potato should not be underestimated, according to Wouters: ,, It scores higher on magnesium and vitamin B6. ”

Food per 100 grams Sweet potato raw Plain potato raw Energy (kcal) 98 88 Protein (g) 1.2 2.0 Fat (g) 0.30.0 Dietary fiber (g) 2.4 1.8 Carbohydrates (g) 21.3 19.0      

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